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Baikalsk, Siberia, Russia 🇷🇺
Baikal Totem International Cultural Forum
Curated by Street Art Institute
Acrylic paint on concrete wall
11 x 13 m (diptich)

Baikalsk is a small town located on the southern shore of Baikal, the deepest lake in the world and one of the most important freshwater reserves.

During the sixties, under the regime of the U.S.S.R., a cellulose factory called “BCBK” was installed in the area. For 50 years the toxic waste was discarded in the lake, polluting the water till the factory closing in 2013.

“Baikal Totem” is an international cultural forum born in 2014 in Irkutsk, one of the most important cities of Siberia. The focus of the project is to raise awareness through cultural exchanges about the lake and the freshwater sources in Russia.