Buenos Aires, Argentina 🇦🇷
Galería Quimera
30.11.2024 ➝ 4.4.2025
Solo show
Curated by Lupita Baliño
Photos by Muerta de Arte
This project was supported by Estudio Puente, Sinteplast, Huup Iluminación y Grolsch
Milano, Italy🇮🇹
Lusvardi Gallery
16.6.2023 ➝ 14.7.2023
Group exhibition with Vincent Grunwald and Giacomo Serpani
Photos by Toni Brugnoli
Text by Vincent Grunwald
"Fasade (engl.) Facciata (ital.) Fassade (dt.) Fachada (es.)" Buildings are the vertical dimension of the city map. They rise from the soil and consist of capsuled roots in the shape of basements and catacombs that can give them stability or protect them from water. The buildings are usually aligned towards the street, creating a valley that channels the passengers in mainly two directions. The valley... Read moreBuenos Aires, Argentina 🇦🇷
MUNAR Art Center
23.10.2021 ➝ 20.11.2021
Group exhibition with Nacha Canvas and Franco Fasoli
Curatorial work and text by Joaquín Barrera
Produced by Quimera Galería
Assistance by Alejandro Bonzo
Lighting by Alvaro
Flyer by Nina Kunan
Production assistance by Ignacio Arias and Beatriz Casado
Photos by Catalina Romero
In the year 1928 a Flemish immigrant who came to become America settled in Carlos Jáuregui - near Luján (Province of Buenos Aires) - the Flandria Cotton and Textile Corporation, a company that quickly became a project with a high social, economic, sportive and comunal impact. The factory, biult by Flemish immigrants and internal migrants from provinces throughout the country, brought to its community innovative... Read moreBuenos Aires, Argentina 🇦🇷
Pasto Gallery
13.2.2021 ➝ 21.5.2021
Duo exhibition next to Federico Cantini
Photos by Florencia Lista
Assistance by Tato Conte Mac Donell
Note by Laila Calantzopoulos in Revista Otra Parte
Note by Tato Conte Mac Donell in Ramona
Text by Joaquín Barrera
Buenos Aires, Argentina 🇦🇷
Hidden public space
Group exhibition next to Julia Sbriller, David Pitucardi, Roberta Di Paolo and Maruts Ballet
Group exhibition
Córdoba, Argentina 🇦🇷
15.3.2019 ➝ 14.4.2019
Curated by Nicola
NHC explores the elements external to the human that somehow connect with his deepest emotions to define him as an emotional being. From unnecessary construction to liberating reflection. Non Human Collective, a specific site exhibition in which 9 artists, summoned on this one occasion, approach an interior space using different media and techniques (latex on a wall, works made in another context, animations, video, spray... Read moreBuenos Aires, Argentina 🇦🇷
Quimera Gallery
9.11.2018 ➝ 21.12.2018
Duo exhibition next to Dana Ferrari
Curated by Diego Bianchi
Performance by Andrés Gorzycki, Felipe Alvarez Parisi, Mia Superstar and Z
Assistance by Nina Kunan, Felipe Alvarez Parisi, Mía Superstar and Z
Photos by Victoria Robledo
"Destroying what is sacred" “The parangolé rolled around the gardens, dragging along with it the oscillating crowd that had previously been leaning contemplatively in front of the pictures… It was the first time the people went into the museum.” Waly Salomão, “Hélio Oiticica: Qual é o parangolé? E outros escritos” What happened, what happened… when in front of our eyes and under our feet the... Read moreParis, France 🇫🇷
La Friche Gallery
27.2.2013 ➝ 3.3.2013
Solo exhibition
L'année dernière je croyais qu'un tsunami allait détruire le monde mais il n'est finalement pas arrivé. Désormais, c'est une grande vague de changement qui est survenu sur laquelle nous devons surfer. "SURF 2012" est une compilation d'images qui parlent d'un même univers où la destruction, le chaos et la mutation se montrent dans les espaces communs et quotidiens des humains.